As I write this update on the first day of Spring, it is hard to believe that we are about to begin the second half of our fiscal year (October 1-September 30). Looking back to last May, we have seen several great events in our City. The efforts of the CCAA have resulted in new pickleball courts and other park improvements, as well as many social events such as the recent and highly successful Chili Cookoff. The Parks Committee under Jeff Cook’s leadership has undertaken a plan to upgrade our parks system. Through extensive work and negotiation, we were deeded, at no cost, approximately 3 ½ acres of land and water below our existing Sandy Creek Park, which has been cleaned up and will be ready for use this summer season. Ann Starr and her Strategic Plan Committee have undertaken a revision and updating to the City’s Master Plan, which is ongoing and very visible to the citizens in the form of a comprehensive survey, the results of which will be available in April. The Sunrise Beach Volunteer Fire Department and Llano County Emergency Services District 5 have elevated our Fire and EMS protection with the addition of full-time firefighters/first responders and are in the process of completely renovating Fire Station #1.
We also continue to have challenges. Our water system saw 2 major leaks last year, and we continue to work with our consultants to design and implement a 5-year plan to address a multi-decade old system that, while continuing to provide superior quality water, is nonetheless in need of significant upgrading. The drought is unrelenting and has resulted in LCRA mandating our drought management plan to only allow once a week watering. Odd numbers can now water only on Saturdays, and even numbers only on Sunday. Please consult the City’s website for further information. We also had a significant flood event, though not near as bad as 2018, nevertheless resulted in the closure of the lake and our boat ramps for a few days in July.
We have elections coming up on May 3, with early voting beginning April 22. The CCAA is hosting a Candidates’ forum for our three open City Council positions on April 9 @ 5:30 at the Civic Center, and we have 5 well qualified candidates running for these important positions. Please come out to make an informed decision and make your voice heard.
We continue to enjoy a great lifestyle in one of the most beautiful parts of the Texas Hill Country. Our City staff are absolutely some of the finest people I have ever had the privilege to work with. Our City is working very closely with the Llano County Commissioner’s Court, the Sheriff’s Department, our state representative and senator, and surrounding areas and municipalities in order to ensure the unique needs of our community are heard. Please contact me or anyone else at City Hall if you have any concerns or questions!
Respectfully, Your Mayor
Rob Hardy