Tue. Jan 14th, 2025

Planning and Zoning Board

Sunrise Beach Village Ordinance 347 has undergone a comprehensive review by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The review has resulted in changes updating the Ordinance 347, in order to maintain and enhance the complexion of our community while promoting property development consistent with current standards and the needs of our community.

Ordinance 347.1 Planning & Zoning

Chaired by: Jean Glass

Includes 5 members (with Chair), plus 2 alternates

Any person may submit testimony in-person at said hearings.

Any person may request in writing asking for an item to be placed on the agenda by submitting an email to citysec@sunrisebeachtx.gov. Please note this request must be received 72 hours in advance of the meeting.

Please contact the City Secretary at (325) 388-6438 for more information.

Upcoming Planning & Zoning Events