Sat. Feb 15th, 2025
CCAA will be hosting Game Day at the Civic Center beginning in February!
Game Day will be the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1 – 4 pm.(Except March 2nd and August 31st)
Mahjong, to start there will be 4 tables. You can sign up a table of 4 or as an individual….get your place early!! It will be on a first come first serve basis.
If you would like to sign up to play, please text Sue Peace/210-827-4999 or Cindy Atkins/210-846-5574.
If you do not know how to play but would like to learn we have a plan for that!! We have someone that would love to teach you, her name is Joyce Raven and will give lessons once 4 people have signed up. You can contact Sue or Cindy to sign up for lessons.
Bring Your Own Game, 5 tables (6 ft with chairs) These tables will be available to play whatever game you and your friends would like to play, dominoes, cards, carbles, Uno, etc. anything you choose.
CCAA does not have games available so you will have to supply the game for you and your friends.
To reserve one of these 5 tables please contact Cindy Atkins/210-846-5574.
You can bring in food and drink for your game table. Please remember to clean up the area after you are done. You can also bring tablecloths if needed for your game. There is no charge for using the civic center during game day but if you would like to donate to CCAA so that we can continue to make Sunrise Beach Community a great place to live it will always be welcome.